

Optimization of Relational Preference Queries

14 years 7 months ago
Optimization of Relational Preference Queries
The design and implementation of advanced personalized database applications requires a preference-driven approach. Representing preferences as strict partial orders is a good choice in most practical cases. Therefore the efficient integration of preference querying into standard database technology is an important issue. We present a novel approach to relational preference query optimization based on algebraic transformations. A variety of new laws for preference relational algebra is presented. This forms the foundation for a preference query optimizer applying heuristics like ‘push preference’. A prototypical implementation and a series of benchmarks show that significant performance gains can be achieved. In summary, our results give strong evidence that by extending relational databases by strict partial order preferences one can get both: good modelling capabilities for personalization and good query runtimes. Our approach extends to recursive databases as well..
Bernd Hafenrichter, Werner Kießling
Added 26 Jun 2010
Updated 26 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ADC
Authors Bernd Hafenrichter, Werner Kießling
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