

The PathOlogist: An Automated Tool for Pathway-Centric Analysis

13 years 4 months ago
The PathOlogist: An Automated Tool for Pathway-Centric Analysis
Background: The PathOlogist is a new tool designed to transform large sets of gene expression data into quantitative descriptors of pathway-level behavior. The tool aims to provide a robust alternative to the search for single-gene-to-phenotype associations by accounting for the complexity of molecular interactions. Results: Molecular abundance data is used to calculate two metrics - ‘activity’ and ‘consistency’ - for each pathway in a set of more than 500 canonical molecular pathways (source: Pathway Interaction Database, http://pid.nci.nih. gov). The tool then allows a detailed exploration of these metrics through integrated visualization of pathway components and structure, hierarchical clustering of pathways and samples, and statistical analyses designed to detect associations between pathway behavior and clinical features. Conclusions: The PathOlogist provides a straightforward means to identify the functional processes, rather than individual molecules, that are altered ...
Sharon I. Greenblum, Sol Efroni, Carl F. Schaefer,
Added 28 May 2011
Updated 28 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Sharon I. Greenblum, Sol Efroni, Carl F. Schaefer, Kenneth H. Buetow
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