

Policy Compliance in Collaborative Systems

14 years 9 months ago
Policy Compliance in Collaborative Systems
When collaborating agents share sensitive information to achieve a common goal it would be helpful to them to decide whether doing so will lead to an unwanted release of confidential data. These decisions are based on which other agents are involved, what those agents can do in the given context, and the individual confidentiality preferences of each agent. In this paper we consider a model of collaboration in which each agent has an explicit confidentiality policy. We offer three ways to interpret policy compliance (system compliance, plan compliance and weak plan compliance) corresponding to different levels of trust among the agents. We show it is EXPSPACE-complete to determine whether a given system is compliant and whether the agents can collaboratively reach a given common goal. On the other hand, we show it is undecidable to determine whether a given system has either a compliant plan or a weakly compliant plan leading to a common goal. The undecidability results are, in par...
Max I. Kanovich, Paul Rowe, Andre Scedrov
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where CSFW
Authors Max I. Kanovich, Paul Rowe, Andre Scedrov
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