

Practical Kinematics for Real-time Implementation of Continuum Robots

14 years 4 months ago
Practical Kinematics for Real-time Implementation of Continuum Robots
Abstract - This paper introduces new analyses and algorithms which are essential for the practical implementation of continuous backbone continuum robots. Actuator length limits strongly shape the configuration or joint space of continuum manipulators, introducing couplings which are not reflected in previously published kinematic models. These unmodeled effects significantly restrict the practical application of previously established kinematic models on continuum robot hardware. This paper presents a new analysis of the effects of actuator limits on continuum robots. Based on the new understanding of the configuration space uncovered, we derive for the first time the configuration space of continuum robots when constrained by actuator length limits. These contributions are essential for effective use of a wide range of continuum robots and have been implemented and tested on two different types of continuum robots. Results and insight gained from this implementation are presented.
Bryan A. Jones, William McMahan, Ian D. Walker
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ICRA
Authors Bryan A. Jones, William McMahan, Ian D. Walker
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