

The price of anarchy is independent of the network topology

15 years 7 days ago
The price of anarchy is independent of the network topology
We study the degradation in network performance caused by the selfish behavior of noncooperative network users. We consider a model of selfish routing in which the latency experienced by network traffic on an edge of the network is a function of the edge congestion, and network users are assumed to selfishly route traffic on minimumlatency paths. The quality of a routing of traffic is measured by the sum of travel times, also called the total latency. The outcome of selfish routing--a Nash equilibrium--does not in general minimize the total latency; hence, selfish behavior carries the cost of decreased network performance. We quantify this degradation in network performance via the price of anarchy, the worst-possible ratio between the total latency of a Nash equilibrium and of an optimal routing of the traffic. We show the price of anarchy is determined only by the simplest of networks. Specifically, we prove that under weak hypotheses on the class of allowable edge latency functions...
Tim Roughgarden
Added 03 Dec 2009
Updated 03 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where STOC
Authors Tim Roughgarden
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