

Prism-Based Color Separation for Professional Digital Photography

14 years 3 months ago
Prism-Based Color Separation for Professional Digital Photography
In the field of silver-halide photography, color separation was explored about a century ago, using filter mosaics, dichroic mirrors, three-shot filtration, and other techniques, before the dominant technology of multi-layered color film emerged. In the field of digital photography, the same techniques are being explored now in conjuction with silicon sensor technology. The three-shot technique, and the related tri-linear scanning technique, can deliver excellent images, but are awkward to employ and unsuitable for subjects that move. The filter-mosaic aproach is currently dominant in the digital camera market, but its inevitable aliasing artifacts limit its applicability in the professional end of the business. The use of dichroic mirrors, embedded in prisms as in color-TV cameras, has been attempted by a few camera vendors, so far with limited success. The demand for better digital images, however, has provided a continuing incentive to work on making this three-sensor approach feas...
Richard F. Lyon
Added 01 Nov 2010
Updated 01 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 2000
Where PICS
Authors Richard F. Lyon
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