

The Protection Of Public Health Data - A Case Study

14 years 3 months ago
The Protection Of Public Health Data - A Case Study
South Africa's health system consists of a large public sector and a smaller but fast-growing private sector. Health care varies from the most basic primary health care, offered free by the state, to highly specialized health services available in the private sector for those who can afford it. The responsibility for the overall performance of a country's health system lies with government, which in turn should involve all sectors of society. Government has the responsibility for establishing the best and most equitable health system possible with available resources. Various studies and surveys during recent years have highlighted that public hospitals in South Africa are in a precarious state. Corruption, staff shortages, deteriorating infrastructure, increased centralization, equipment failures and shortages, and an increased influx of (especially HIV/AIDS) patients, have all been identified as factors contributing to a progressively worsening public health-care situation...
S. Nkundlaa
Added 31 Oct 2010
Updated 31 Oct 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Where ISSA
Authors S. Nkundlaa
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