

Proxy-based security protocols in networked mobile devices

14 years 1 months ago
Proxy-based security protocols in networked mobile devices
We describe a resource discovery and communication system designed for security and privacy. All objects in the system, e.g., appliances, wearable gadgets, software agents, and users have associated trusted software proxies that either run on the appliance hardware or on a trusted computer. We describe how security and privacy are enforced using two separate protocols: a protocol for secure deviceto-proxy communication, and a protocol for secure proxyto-proxy communication. Using two separate protocols allows us to run a computationally-inexpensive protocol on impoverished devices, and a sophisticated protocol for resource authentication and communication on more powerful devices. We detail the device-to-proxy protocol for lightweight wireless devices and the proxy-to-proxy protocol which is based on SPKI/SDSI (Simple Public Key Infrastructure / Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure). A prototype system has been constructed, which allows for secure, yet efficient, access to netwo...
Matt Burnside, Dwaine E. Clarke, Todd Mills, Andre
Added 23 Dec 2010
Updated 23 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2002
Where SAC
Authors Matt Burnside, Dwaine E. Clarke, Todd Mills, Andrew Maywah, Srinivas Devadas, Ronald L. Rivest
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