

Real-time robot motion planning using rasterizing computer graphics hardware

14 years 4 months ago
Real-time robot motion planning using rasterizing computer graphics hardware
We presenta real-time robot motion plannerthatis fastandcomplete to a resolution. The technique is guaranteed to find a path if one exists at the resolution, and all paths returned are safe. The planner can handle any polyhedral geometry of robot and obstacles, including disjoint and highly concave unions of polyhedra. The planner uses standard graphics hardware to rasterize configuration space obstacles into a series of bitmap slices, and then uses dynamic programming to create a navigation function (a discrete vector-valued function) and to calculate paths in this rasterized space. The motion paths which the planner produces are minimal with respect to an L1 (Manhattan) distance metric that includes rotation as well as translation. Several examples are shown illustrating the competence of the planner at generating planar rotational and translational plans for complex two and three dimensional robots. Dynamic motion sequences, including complicated and non-obvious backtracking soluti...
Jed Lengyel, Mark Reichert, Bruce Randall Donald,
Added 11 Aug 2010
Updated 11 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1990
Authors Jed Lengyel, Mark Reichert, Bruce Randall Donald, Donald P. Greenberg
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