

Reconciling specialization and flexibility through compound circuits

14 years 9 months ago
Reconciling specialization and flexibility through compound circuits
While parallelism and multi-cores are receiving much attention as a major scalability path, customization is another, orthogonal and complementary, scalability path which can target not easily parallelizable programs or program sections. The key assets of customization are cost and power efficiency. The key limitation of customization is flexibility. However, we argue that there is no perfect balance between efficiency and flexibility, each system vendor may want to strike a different such balance. In this article, we present a method for achieving any desired balance between flexibility and efficiency by automatically combining any set of individual customization circuits into a larger compound circuit. This circuit is significantly more cost efficient than the simple union of all target circuits, and is configurable to behave as any of the target circuits, while avoiding the routing and configuration cost overhead of FPGAs. The more individual circuits are included, the la...
Sami Yehia, Sylvain Girbal, Hugues Berry, Olivier
Added 19 May 2010
Updated 19 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where HPCA
Authors Sami Yehia, Sylvain Girbal, Hugues Berry, Olivier Temam
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