

Records for Logic Programming

14 years 4 months ago
Records for Logic Programming
CFT is a new constraint system providing records as logical data structure for constraint (logic) programming. It can be seen as a generalization of the rational tree system employed in Prolog II, where ner-grained constraints are used, and where subtrees are identi ed by keywords rather than by position. CFT is de ned by a rst-order structure consisting of so-called feature trees. Feature trees generalize the ordinary trees corresponding to rst-order terms by having their edges labeled with eld names called features. The mathematical semantics given by the feature tree structure is complemented with a logical semantics given by ve axiom schemes, which we conjecture to comprise a complete axiomatization of the feature tree structure. We present a decision method for CFT, which decides entailment anddisentailmentbetween possiblyexistentiallyquanti ed constraints. Since CFT satis es the independence property, our decision method can also be employed for checking the satis ability of con...
Gert Smolka, Ralf Treinen
Added 10 Aug 2010
Updated 10 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1992
Where ICLP
Authors Gert Smolka, Ralf Treinen
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