

Recursive Pattern: A Technique for Visualizing Very Large Amounts of Data

14 years 3 months ago
Recursive Pattern: A Technique for Visualizing Very Large Amounts of Data
Animportantgoalofvisualizationtechnologyistosupport the exploration and analysis of very large amounts of data. In this paper, we propose a new visualization technique called ‘recursive pattern’ which has been developed for visualizing large amounts of multidimensional data. The technique is based on a generic recursive scheme which generalizes a wide range of pixel-oriented arrangements for displaying large data sets. By instantiating the technique with adequate data- and application-dependent parameters, the user may largely influence the structure of the resulting visualizations. Since the technique uses one pixel for presenting each data value, the amount of data which can be displayed is only limited by the resolution of current display technology and by the limitations of human perceptibility. Beside describing the basic idea of the ‘recursive pattern’ technique, we provide several examples of useful parameter settings for the various recursion levels. We further show t...
Daniel A. Keim, Mihael Ankerst, Hans-Peter Kriegel
Added 26 Aug 2010
Updated 26 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 1995
Authors Daniel A. Keim, Mihael Ankerst, Hans-Peter Kriegel
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