

Robust segmentation of voxel shapes using medial surfaces

14 years 7 months ago
Robust segmentation of voxel shapes using medial surfaces
We present a new method for robustly decomposing a 3D voxel shape into disjoint segments using the medial surface, also called surface skeleton. The boundaries of the simplified fore- and background skeletons map one-to-one to increasingly fuzzy, soft convex, respectively concave, edges of the shape. Using this property, we build a method for segmentation of 3D shapes which has several desirable properties. Our method robustly segments both noisy shapes and shapes with soft edges which vanish over low-curvature regions. As the segmentation is based on the skeleton, it reflects the symmetry of the input shape. Finally, multiscale segmentations can be obtained by varying the simplification level of the skeleton. We present a voxel-based implementation of our approach and illustrate it on several realistic examples.
Dennie Reniers, Alexandru Telea
Added 01 Jun 2010
Updated 01 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Where SMI
Authors Dennie Reniers, Alexandru Telea
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