

The role of the measure of functional complexity in effort estimation

13 years 4 months ago
The role of the measure of functional complexity in effort estimation
Background. Currently there are several definitions of measures that should represent the size of software functional requirements. These measures have gained a quite relevant role, since they are one of the few basis upon which effort estimation can be based. However, traditional Functional Size Measures do not take into account the amount and complexity of the elaboration required, concentrating instead on the amount of data accessed or moved. This is a problem, when it comes to effort estimation, since the amount and complexity of the required data elaborations affect the implementation effort, but are not adequately represented by the current measures (including the standardized ones). Objective. The paper evaluates different types of functional size measures as effort estimators. Moreover, the consequences of taking into consideration also the amount and complexity of required elaboration in the effort estimation models are evaluated. Methods. In this paper we take into considera...
Luigi Lavazza, Gabriela Robiolo
Added 20 May 2011
Updated 20 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Authors Luigi Lavazza, Gabriela Robiolo
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