

Scheduling to minimize power consumption using submodular functions

14 years 1 months ago
Scheduling to minimize power consumption using submodular functions
We develop logarithmic approximation algorithms for extremely general formulations of multiprocessor multiinterval offline task scheduling to minimize power usage. Here each processor has an arbitrary specified power consumption to be turned on for each possible time interval, and each job has a specified list of time interval/processor pairs during which it could be scheduled. (A processor need not be in use for an entire interval it is turned on.) If there is a feasible schedule, our algorithm finds a feasible schedule with total power usage within an O(log n) factor of optimal, where n is the number of jobs. (Even in a simple setting with one processor, the problem is Set-Cover hard.) If not all jobs can be scheduled and each job has a specified value, then our algorithm finds a schedule of value at least (1-)Z and power usage within an O(log(1/)) factor of the optimal schedule of value at least Z, for any specified Z and > 0. At the foundation of our work is a general framewor...
Erik D. Demaine, Morteza Zadimoghaddam
Added 06 Dec 2010
Updated 06 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2010
Where SPAA
Authors Erik D. Demaine, Morteza Zadimoghaddam
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