

Seamless integration of robots and tiny embedded devices in a PEIS-Ecology

14 years 6 months ago
Seamless integration of robots and tiny embedded devices in a PEIS-Ecology
—The fields of autonomous robotics and ambient intelligence are converging toward the vision of smart robotic environments, in which tasks are performed via the cooperation of many networked robotic devices. To enable this vision, we need a common communication and cooperation model that can be shared between robotic devices at different scales, ranging from standard mobile robots to tiny embedded devices. Unfortunately, today’s robot middlewares are too heavy to run on tiny devices, and middlewares for embedded devices are too simple to support the cooperation models needed by an autonomous smart environment. In this paper, we propose a middleware model which allows the seamless integration of standard robots and simple off-the-shelf embedded devices. Our middleware is suitable for building truly ubiquitous robotics applications, in which devices of very different scales and capabilities can cooperate in a uniform way. We discuss the principles and implementation of our middlewar...
Mirko Bordignon, Md. Jayedur Rashid, Mathias Broxv
Added 03 Jun 2010
Updated 03 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Where IROS
Authors Mirko Bordignon, Md. Jayedur Rashid, Mathias Broxvall, Alessandro Saffiotti
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