

A segment-level confidence measure for Spoken Document Retrieval

13 years 5 months ago
A segment-level confidence measure for Spoken Document Retrieval
This paper presents a semantic confidence measure that aims to predict the relevance of automatic transcripts for a task of Spoken Document Retrieval (SDR). The proposed predicting method relies on the combination of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) confidence measure and a Semantic Compacity Index (SCI), that estimates the relevance of the words considering the semantic context in which they occurred. Experiments are conducted on the French Broadcast news corpus ESTER, by simulating a classical SDR usage scenario : users submit text-queries to a search engine that is expected to return the most relevant documents regarding the query. Results demonstrate the interest of using semantic level information to predict the transcription indexability.
Grégory Senay, Georges Linares, Benjamin Le
Added 21 Aug 2011
Updated 21 Aug 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Authors Grégory Senay, Georges Linares, Benjamin Lecouteux
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