

Semantic web access prediction using WordNet

14 years 6 months ago
Semantic web access prediction using WordNet
The user observed latency of retrieving Web documents is one of limiting factors while using the Internet as an information data source. Prefetching became important technique to reduce the average Web access latency. Existing prefetching methods are based predominantly on URL graphs. They use the graphical nature of HTTP links to determine the possible paths through a hypertext system. Although the URL graph-based approaches are effective in the prefetching of frequently accessed documents, few of them can pre-fetch those URLs that are rarely visited. In our paper we aim to propose a new prefetching algorithm that would increase the efficiency of Web prefetching and that will embody the new demands for Web personalisation and Web search assistance. The aim of the research is to design a system for web page prefetching. The system should use user’s link path history in combination with the semantic path history. To enable this, semantically annotated web pag...
Lenka Hapalova
Added 14 Aug 2010
Updated 03 Dec 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICWE
Authors Lenka Hapalova
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