

Situating Cognitive Agents in GOLEM

14 years 4 months ago
Situating Cognitive Agents in GOLEM
We investigate the application of a logic-based framework representing an agent environment as a composite structure that evolves over time. Such a complex structure contains the interaction between two main classes of entities: agents and objects. Interactions between these entities are specified in term of events whose occurrence is governed by a set of physical laws specifying the possible evolutions of the environment, including how these evolutions are perceived by agents and affect objects and processes in the environment. We illustrate the work using GOLEM, a protype platform whose aim is to implement the framework to build situated cognitive agents in a distributed environment.
Stefano Bromuri, Kostas Stathis
Added 07 Jun 2010
Updated 07 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Stefano Bromuri, Kostas Stathis
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