

Skyline View: Efficient Distributed Subspace Skyline Computation

14 years 2 months ago
Skyline View: Efficient Distributed Subspace Skyline Computation
Skyline queries have gained much attention as alternative query semantics with pros (e.g.low query formulation overhead) and cons (e.g.large control over result size). To overcome the cons, subspace skyline queries have been recently studied, where users iteratively specify relevant feature subspaces on search space. However, existing works mainly focuss on centralized databases. This paper aims to extend subspace skyline computation to distributed environments such as the Web, where the most important issue is to minimize the cost of accessing vertically distributed objects. Toward this goal, we exploit prior skylines that have overlapped subspaces to the given subspace. In particular, we develop algorithms for three scenarios
Jinhan Kim, Jongwuk Lee, Seung-won Hwang
Added 16 Aug 2010
Updated 16 Aug 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Jinhan Kim, Jongwuk Lee, Seung-won Hwang
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