

Software Managed Distributed Memories in MPPAs

13 years 11 months ago
Software Managed Distributed Memories in MPPAs
When utilizing reconfigurable hardware there are many applications that will require more memory than is available in a single hardware block. While FPGAs have tools and mechanisms for building logically larger memories, it often requires developer intervention on word-oriented devices like Massively Parallel Processor Arrays (MPPAs). We examine building larger memories on the Ambric MPPA. Building an efficient structure requires low-level development and analysis of latency and bandwidth effects of network and protocol choices. We build a network that only requires only five instructions per transaction after optimization. The resource use and performance suggests architectural enhancements that should be considered for future devices. Keywords-MPPA; memory; pipelining;
Robin Panda, Jimmy Xu, Scott Hauck
Added 11 Feb 2011
Updated 11 Feb 2011
Type Journal
Year 2010
Where FPL
Authors Robin Panda, Jimmy Xu, Scott Hauck
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