

Software transactional memory for multicore embedded systems

14 years 5 months ago
Software transactional memory for multicore embedded systems
Embedded systems, like general-purpose systems, can benefit from parallel execution on a symmetric multicore platform. Unfortunately, concurrency issues present in general-purpose programming also apply to embedded systems, protection from which is currently only offered with performance-limiting coarse-grained locking or error-prone and difficult-to-implement fine-grained locking. Transactional memory offers relief from these mechanisms, but has primarily been investigated on general-purpose systems. In this paper, we present Embedded Software Transactional Memory (ESTM) as a novel solution to the concurrency problem in parallel embedded applications. We investigate common software transactional memory design decisions and discuss the best decisions for an embedded platform. We offer a full implementation of an embedded STM and test it against both coarse-grained and fine-grained locking mechanisms. We find that we can meet or beat the performance of fine-grained locking over a...
Jennifer Mankin, David R. Kaeli, John Ardini
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Jennifer Mankin, David R. Kaeli, John Ardini
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