

Supporting collaboration through passing informal notes to peripheral displays

14 years 10 months ago
Supporting collaboration through passing informal notes to peripheral displays
DropNotes is a note-passing system for informal sharing of information within a small group or for posting notes to oneself. Its goal is to improve collaboration by increasing awareness through peripheral displays. DropNotes typically appear on peripheral displays placed in the work environment, such as a door panel, a peripheral display near the phone, a group board in a break room or a PDA. The design of DropNotes focuses both on making note creation easy and on minimizing interruptions. As such, DropNotes supports informal information sharing and peripheral awareness rather than messaging. Keywords Peripheral display, awareness, messaging.
Andreas Dieberger
Added 01 Dec 2009
Updated 01 Dec 2009
Type Conference
Year 2002
Where CHI
Authors Andreas Dieberger
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