

Supporting synchronous collaborative learning: A generic, multi-dimensional model

13 years 9 months ago
Supporting synchronous collaborative learning: A generic, multi-dimensional model
Future CSCL technologies are described by the community as flexible, tailorable, negotiable, and appropriate for various collaborative settings, conditions and contexts. This paper describes the key design issues of a generic synchronous collaborative learning environment, called Omega+. In this approach, "model-based genericity" is applied to the four dimensions of collaborative learning: the situation, the interaction, the process, and the way of monitoring individual and group performance. These four aspects are explicitly specified in a set of models that serve as parameters for the generic environment. This opens the possibility of combining many structuring/scaffolding techniques that have been proposed in isolation in the CSCL literature. The paper also emphasizes the specificities and difficulties of evaluating a comprehensive generic support approach. Experimental evaluations conducted by system designers generally isolate the effects of a particular design feature o...
Jacques Lonchamp
Added 11 Dec 2010
Updated 11 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2006
Where CSCL
Authors Jacques Lonchamp
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