

Taming Dynamically Adaptive Systems using models and aspects

14 years 4 months ago
Taming Dynamically Adaptive Systems using models and aspects
Since software systems need to be continuously available under varying conditions, their ability to evolve at runtime is increasingly seen as one key issue. Modern programming frameworks already provide support for dynamic adaptations. However the high-variability of features in Dynamic Adaptive Systems (DAS) introduces an explosion of possible runtime system configurations (often called modes) and mode transitions. Designing these configurations and their transitions is tedious and error-prone, making the system feature evolution difficult. While Aspect-Oriented Modeling (AOM) was introduced to improve the modularity of software, this paper presents how an AOM approach can be used to tame the combinatorial explosion of DAS modes. Using AOM techniques, we derive a wide range of modes by weaving aspects into an explicit model reflecting the runtime system. We use these generated modes to automatically adapt the system. We validate our approach on an adaptive middleware for homeautom...
Brice Morin, Olivier Barais, Grégory Nain,
Added 20 May 2010
Updated 20 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICSE
Authors Brice Morin, Olivier Barais, Grégory Nain, Jean-Marc Jézéquel
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