

Temporal Constraints: A Survey

14 years 28 days ago
Temporal Constraints: A Survey
Abstract. Temporal Constraint Satisfaction is an information technology useful for representing and answering queries about the times of events and the temporal relations between them. Information is represented as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem CSP where variables denote event times and constraints represent the possible temporal relations between them. The main tasks are two: i deciding consistency, and ii answering queries about scenarios that satisfy all constraints. This paper overviews results on several classes of Temporal CSPs: qualitative interval, qualitative point, metric point, and some of their combinations. Research has progressed along three lines: i identifying tractable subclasses, ii developing exact search algorithms, and iii developing polynomial-time approximation algorithms. Most available techniques are based on two principles: i enforcing local consistency e.g. path-consistency, and ii enhancing naive backtracking search.
Eddie Schwalb, Lluís Vila
Added 22 Dec 2010
Updated 22 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 1998
Authors Eddie Schwalb, Lluís Vila
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