

Token-DCF: An Opportunistic MAC protocol for Wireless Networks

12 years 9 months ago
Token-DCF: An Opportunistic MAC protocol for Wireless Networks
—IEEE 802.11 DCF is the MAC protocol currently used in wireless LANs. 802.11 DCF is inefficient due to two types of overhead; channel idle time and collision time. This paper presents the design and performance evaluation of an efficient MAC protocol for wireless networks, called Token-DCF. TokenDCF decreases both idle time and collision time. In Token-DCF, each station keeps track of neighboring links’ queue length by overhearing of transmitted packets on the wireless medium. The result is then used to assign privileges to the network stations. A privileged station does not follow the backoff mechanism and transmits immediately after the channel is sensed idle. Our simulation results show that Token-DCF can significantly improve channel utilization, system throughput and channel access delay over 802.11 DCF.
Ghazale Hosseinabadi, Nitin H. Vaidya
Added 20 Apr 2012
Updated 20 Apr 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where CORR
Authors Ghazale Hosseinabadi, Nitin H. Vaidya
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