

Topological Tree Clustering of Social Network Search Results

14 years 8 months ago
Topological Tree Clustering of Social Network Search Results
In the information age, online collaboration and social networks are of increasing importance and quickly becoming an integral part of our lifestyle. In business, social networking can be a powerful tool to expand a customer network to which a company can sell products and services, or find new partners / employees in a more trustworthy and targeted manner. Identifying new friends or partners, on social networking websites, is usually done via a keyword search, browsing a directory of topics (e.g. interests, geography, or employer) or a chain of social ties (e.g. links to other friends on a user’s profile). However there are limitations to these three approaches. Keyword search typically produces a list of ranked results, where traversing pages of ranked results can be tedious and time consuming to explore. A directory of groups / networks is generally created manually, requires significant ongoing maintenance and cannot keep up with rapid changes. Social chains require the initial u...
Richard T. Freeman
Added 08 Jun 2010
Updated 08 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Richard T. Freeman
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