

Total weight choosability of graphs

13 years 8 months ago
Total weight choosability of graphs
A graph G = (V, E) is called (k, k )-total weight choosable if the following holds: For any total list assignment L which assigns to each vertex x a set L(x) of k real numbers, and assigns to each edge e a set L(e) of k real numbers, there is a mapping f : V ∪ E → R such that f(y) ∈ L(y) for any y ∈ V ∪ E and for any two adjacent vertices x, x , e∈E(x) f(e)+f(x) = e∈E(x ) f(e)+f(x ). We conjecture that every graph is (2, 2)-total weight choosable and every graph without isolated edges is (1, 3)-total weight choosable. It follows from results in [7] that complete graphs, complete bipartite graphs, trees other than K2 are (1, 3)-total weight choosable. Also a graph G obtained from an arbitrary graph H by subdividing each edge with at least three vertices is (1, 3)-total weight choosable. This paper proves that complete graphs, trees, generalized theta graphs are (2, 2)-total weight choosable. We also prove that for any graph H, a graph G obtained from H by subdividing each...
Tsai-Lien Wong, Xuding Zhu
Added 14 May 2011
Updated 14 May 2011
Type Journal
Year 2011
Where JGT
Authors Tsai-Lien Wong, Xuding Zhu
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