

Towards Secure e-Learning Applications: a Multiagent Platform

14 years 1 months ago
Towards Secure e-Learning Applications: a Multiagent Platform
—This paper presents some results in the intersection of three technological fields: e-learning, multiagent systems, and standards to improve the development of secure systems. There is a consensus that security is a critical issue for distributed, highly interactive and open learning environments. While a lot of effort in the e-learning domain has been put into delivering infrastructure and providing content, security issues have hardly ever been considered. Agent-oriented methodologies may bring benefits to the conception of multiagent systems, since they gradually are incorporating specifications for general security mechanisms (FIPA standards). Concerning the specification of security requirements for e-learning environments, extended formalisms (such as security use cases) appear as proper modeling tools. The topics covered by this paper converge to the implementation of a multiagent platform (the PMA3), which constitutes an open distributed infrastructure addressing important s...
Carine G. Webber, Maria de Fátima Webber do
Added 16 Dec 2010
Updated 16 Dec 2010
Type Journal
Year 2007
Where JSW
Authors Carine G. Webber, Maria de Fátima Webber do Prado Lima, Marcos E. Casa, Alexandre M. Ribeiro
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