

Towards Subject-Specific Models of the Dynamic Heart for Image-Guided Mitral Valve Surgery

15 years 3 months ago
Towards Subject-Specific Models of the Dynamic Heart for Image-Guided Mitral Valve Surgery
Abstract. Surgeons need a robust interventional system capable of providing reliable, real-time information regarding the position and orientation of the surgical targets and tools to compensate for the lack of direct vision and to enhance manipulation of intracardiac targets during minimally-invasive, off-pump cardiac interventions. In this paper, we describe a novel method for creating dynamic, pre-operative, subjectspecific cardiac models containing the surgical targets and surrounding anatomy, and how they are used to augment the intra-operative virtual environment for guidance of valvular interventions. The accuracy of these pre-operative models was established by comparing the target registration error between the mitral valve annulus characterized in the pre-operative images and their equivalent structures manually extracted from 3D US data. On average, the mitral valve annulus was extracted with a 3.1 mm error across all cardiac phases. In addition, we also propose a method for...
Cristian A. Linte, Marcin Wierzbicki, John Moore,
Added 14 Nov 2009
Updated 14 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2007
Authors Cristian A. Linte, Marcin Wierzbicki, John Moore, Stephen H. Little, Gerard Guiraudon, Terry M. Peters
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