

Transformation of Online Representation through Time

14 years 4 months ago
Transformation of Online Representation through Time
In order to understand the evolution of online identities, we measured the correlation between past and current representations of self on the MySpace social network. We applied several techniques and proposed a personality classifier to calculate the level of honesty and accountability for over 2 million users. We formulized a transformation algorithm to measure both static and dynamic features of identity traits over time. This experiment provides evidence of the dynamic nature of profiles’ information, the social network structure and the group similarities. In this paper, we will discuss how online identities progress during one year time frame and what impact it may have to determine user’s characteristics. This analysis can be used to develop a technology to predict the taxonomy of identities and the direction of online social representation.
Roya Feizy, Ian Wakeman, Dan Chalmers
Added 18 May 2010
Updated 18 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Roya Feizy, Ian Wakeman, Dan Chalmers
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