

A tuning framework for software-managed memory hierarchies

14 years 6 months ago
A tuning framework for software-managed memory hierarchies
Achieving good performance on a modern machine with a multi-level memory hierarchy, and in particular on a machine with software-managed memories, requires precise tuning of programs to the machine’s particular characteristics. A large program on a multi-level machine can easily expose tens or hundreds of inter-dependent parameters which require tuning, and manually searching the resultant large, non-linear space of program parameters is a tedious process of trial-and-error. In this paper we present a general framework for automatically tuning general applications to machines with software-managed memory hierarchies. We evaluate our framework by measuring the performance of benchmarks that are tuned for a range of machines with different memory hierarchy configurations: a cluster of Intel P4 Xeon processors, a single Cell processor, and a cluster of Sony Playstation3’s. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.4 [Performance Of Systems]: Measurement techniques, Modeling techniques; D...
Manman Ren, Ji Young Park, Mike Houston, Alex Aike
Added 31 May 2010
Updated 31 May 2010
Type Conference
Year 2008
Authors Manman Ren, Ji Young Park, Mike Houston, Alex Aiken, William J. Dally
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