

Validation of Component and Service Federations in Automotive Software Applications

14 years 7 months ago
Validation of Component and Service Federations in Automotive Software Applications
Abstract The automotive domain is one of the most promising areas for component and service technologies in the near future. Vehicles are increasingly becoming integrated systems where both intra-vehicle and inter-vehicles interactions require that a set of federated components (services) be properly orchestrated. The interactions and cooperations among the members of such federations suggest the use of well-known architectural styles to properly design new systems. Among the various styles, we explore the use of the publish-subscribe paradigm for intravehicle cooperations and the service-oriented paradigm for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-environment interactions. We argue that available modeling notations provide adequate support to specification, but still lack proper support to the validation phase. In this paper we discuss component models and their validation in the context of the automotive domain. In particular, we show how publish/subscribe and service-oriented applicatio...
Luciano Baresi, Carlo Ghezzi
Added 30 Jun 2010
Updated 30 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2004
Authors Luciano Baresi, Carlo Ghezzi
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