

Value-cognizant Admission Control Strategies for Real-Time DBMS

14 years 14 days ago
Value-cognizant Admission Control Strategies for Real-Time DBMS
We propose and evaluate an admission control paradigm for RTDBS, in which a transaction is submitted to the system as a pair of processes: a primary task, and a recovery block. The execution requirements of the primary task are not known a priori, whereas those of the recovery block are known a priori. Upon the submission of a transaction, an Admission Control Mechanism is employed to decide whether to admit or reject that transaction. Once admitted, a transaction is guaranteed to nish executing before its deadline. A transaction is considered to have nished executing if exactly one of two things occur: Either its primary task is completed (successful commitment), or its recovery block is completed (safe termination). Committed transactions bring a pro t to the system, whereas a terminated transaction brings no pro t. The goal of the admission control and scheduling protocols (e.g., concurrency control, I/O scheduling, memory management) employed in the system is to maximize system pr...
Azer Bestavros, Sue Nagy
Added 02 Nov 2010
Updated 02 Nov 2010
Type Conference
Year 1996
Where RTDB
Authors Azer Bestavros, Sue Nagy
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