

Variation-aware dynamic voltage/frequency scaling

15 years 1 months ago
Variation-aware dynamic voltage/frequency scaling
Fine-grained dynamic voltage/frequency scaling (DVFS) is an important tool in managing the balance between power and performance in chip-multiprocessors. Although manufacturing process variations are giving rise to significant core-to-core variations in power and performance, traditional DVFS controllers are unaware of these variations. Exploiting the different power/performance profiles of the cores can significantly improve energy-efficiency. Two hardware DVFS control algorithms are considered and the gains enabled by incorporating variability-awareness are demonstrated on multithreaded commercial workloads. For a design with per-core voltage/frequency islands (VFIs), the mean power per unit throughput for a simple threshold-based controller is reduced by 8.0% when variability-awareness is added. A complex greedy-search controller sees an even larger reduction of 15.4%. The variability-aware versions of the two controllers achieve power/throughput reductions of 2.1% and 9.9% relativ...
Sebastian Herbert, Diana Marculescu
Added 25 Nov 2009
Updated 25 Nov 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where HPCA
Authors Sebastian Herbert, Diana Marculescu
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