

What is optimized in tight convex relaxations for multi-label problems?

12 years 2 months ago
What is optimized in tight convex relaxations for multi-label problems?
In this work we present a unified view on Markov random fields and recently proposed continuous tight convex relaxations for multi-label assignment in the image plane. These relaxations are far less biased towards the grid geometry than Markov random fields. It turns out that the continuous methods are non-linear extensions of the local polytope MRF relaxation. In view of this result a better understanding of these tight convex relaxations in the discrete setting is obtained. Further, a wider range of optimization methods is now applicable to find a minimizer of the tight formulation. We propose two methods to improve the efficiency of minimization. One uses a weaker, but more efficient continuously inspired approach as initialization and gradually refines the energy where it is necessary. The other one reformulates the dual energy enabling smooth approximations to be used for efficient optimization. We demonstrate the utility of our proposed minimization schemes in numerical ...
Christopher Zach, Christian Hane, Marc Pollefeys
Added 28 Sep 2012
Updated 28 Sep 2012
Type Journal
Year 2012
Where CVPR
Authors Christopher Zach, Christian Hane, Marc Pollefeys
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