

When three worlds collide: a model of the tangible interaction process

14 years 7 months ago
When three worlds collide: a model of the tangible interaction process
The design of Tangible Interfaces has already evolved since the first projects were developed. Frameworks and taxonomies have helped to understand the field of Tangible Interaction. But nevertheless the mental models of the interaction process with Tangible Interfaces seems to be surprisingly diverse. In this paper we present a comprehensive and generic model for interaction with the digital world through physical objects. Our goal is to model the complete process of interaction, to analyse existing design approaches using the model, and to gain a generic design aid for Tangible Interaction. Author Keywords Design, Action Research, Tangible Interaction. ACM Classification Keywords H5.2. Information interfaces and presentation (User Interfaces).
Marc Hermann, Michael Weber
Added 23 Jul 2010
Updated 23 Jul 2010
Type Conference
Year 2009
Authors Marc Hermann, Michael Weber
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