Recent advancement in 3D digitization techniques have prompted to the need for 3D object retrieval. Our method of comparing 3D objects for retrieval is based on 3D morphing. It co...
Face recognition and many medical imaging applications require the computation of dense correspondence vector fields that match one surface with another. In brain imaging, surfac...
In this paper, we present a novel method for efficient 3D model comparison. The method matches highly deformed models by comparing topological and geometric features. First, we pr...
—The projection of a photographic dataset on a 3D model is a robust and widely applicable way to acquire appearance information of an object. The first step of this procedure is...
Matteo Dellepiane, Ricardo Marroquim, Marco Callie...
—SIFT-like local feature descriptors are ubiquitously employed in such computer vision applications as content-based retrieval, video analysis, copy detection, object recognition...
Christoph Strecha, Alexander A. Bronstein, Michael...