This paper presents a system called CodeBreaker for supporting small and medium size software development based on an extreme programming principle. The system follows a decentrali...
Nelson A. Baloian, Francisco Claude, Roberto Konow...
Abstract. Today's manufacturing industry demands flexible and decentralized production control systems to avoid hours of down time of the production line in case of a failure ...
This paper presents an integrated set of tools for performance-oriented development of software targeted to distributed heterogeneous systems. Using these tools, software developm...
One of the central axioms of extreme programming is the disciplined use of regression testing during stepwise software development. Due to recent progress in software model checkin...
Thomas A. Henzinger, Ranjit Jhala, Rupak Majumdar,...
Manual reviews and inspections of software artefacts are time consuming and thus, automated analysis tools have been developed to support the quality assurance of software artefac...