Much of the focus of the research effort in path planning for mobile robots has centred on the problem of finding a path from a start location to a goal location, while minimising...
The major themes of our research include the creation of mobile robot systems that are robust and adaptive in rapidly changing environments and the view of integration as a basic ...
Alan C. Schultz, William Adams, Brian Yamauchi, Mi...
Vision is an important sensor used for mobile robot navigation. One approach to localization which is based on vision is to compute camera egomotion with respect to base images. W...
Decision-theoretic reasoning and planning algorithms are increasingly being used for mobile robot navigation, due to the signi cant uncertainty accompanying the robots' perce...
Navigationalpath planning is a classicalproblem in autonomous mobile robotics. Most AI approachesto path planning use goal-directedheuristicsearch of problem spaces defined by spa...
Ashok K. Goel, Michael W. Donnellan, Nancy Vazquez...