Speculative execution, such as control speculation and data speculation, is an effective way to improve program performance. Using edge/path profile information or simple heuristi...
Jin Lin, Tong Chen, Wei-Chung Hsu, Pen-Chung Yew, ...
Data speculative optimization refers to code transformations that allow load and store instructions to be moved across potentially dependent memory operations. Existing research w...
Speculative parallelization can provide significant sources of additional thread-level parallelism, especially for irregular applications that are hard to parallelize by conventio...
Register promotion is an optimization that allocates a value to a register for a region of its lifetime where it is provably not aliased. Conventional compiler analysis cannot alw...
This paper introduces a compiler-orchestrated prefetching system as a unified framework geared toward ameliorating the gap between processing speeds and memory access latencies. ...
Rodric M. Rabbah, Hariharan Sandanagobalane, Mongk...