
77 search results - page 5 / 16
» Adaptive Fourier-Based Surface Reconstruction
114views more  CGF 2004»
13 years 6 months ago
Smooth Surface Reconstruction Using Tensor Fields as Structuring Elements
We propose a new strategy to estimate surface normal information from highly noisy sparse data. Our approach is based on a tensor field morphologically adapted to infer normals. I...
Marcelo Bernardes Vieira, Paulo P. Martins Jr., Ar...
169views Biometrics» more  FGR 2006»
14 years 10 days ago
Combining PCA and LFA for Surface Reconstruction from a Sparse Set of Control Points
This paper presents a novel method for 3D surface reconstruction based on a sparse set of 3D control points. For object classes such as human heads, prior information about the cl...
Reinhard Knothe, Sami Romdhani, Thomas Vetter
136views more  CVGIP 2007»
13 years 6 months ago
Contour-based surface reconstruction using MPU implicit models
This paper presents a technique for creating a smooth, closed surface from a set of 2D contours, which have been extracted from a 3D scan. The technique interprets the pixels that...
Ilya Braude, Jeffrey Marker, Ken Museth, Jonathan ...
175views more  CVGIP 2004»
13 years 6 months ago
A subdivision-based deformable model for surface reconstruction of unknown topology
This paper presents a surface reconstruction algorithm that can recover correct shape geometry as well as its unknown topology from both volumetric images and unorganized point cl...
Ye Duan, Hong Qin
13 years 4 months ago
Fast low-memory streaming MLS reconstruction of point-sampled surfaces
We present a simple and efficient method for reconstructing triangulated surfaces from massive oriented point sample datasets. The method combines streaming and parallelization, m...
Gianmauro Cuccuru, Enrico Gobbetti, Fabio Marton, ...