This paper presents an infrastructure for developing problem-based pervasive learning environments. Building such environments necessitates having many autonomous components deali...
In this paper we describe our approach to realize a pervasive (computing) learning environment for children based on augmented toys: traditional toys that are equipped with pervas...
The desktop-centric design of most of the current web contents pose many difficulties for pervasive browsing. In this paper, we present our study on the problem to support pervasiv...
In the mobile learning context, it is helpful to consider context awareness and adaptivity as two sides of the same coin. The purpose of the adaptivity and context awareness is to...
Services in pervasive computing systems must evolve so that they become minimally intrusive and exhibit inherent proactiveness and dynamic adaptability to the current conditions, u...
Maria Strimpakou, Ioanna Roussaki, Carsten Pils, M...