This paper presents the experiments carried out at Jadavpur University as part of participation in the CLEF 2007 ad-hoc bilingual task. This is our first participation in the CLEF...
This paper describes our first participation in the Indian language sub-task of the main Adhoc monolingual and bilingual track in CLEF1 competition. In this track, the task is to...
In this paper, we present our Hindi to English and Marathi to English CLIR systems developed as part of our participation in the CLEF 2007 Ad-Hoc Bilingual task. We take a query tr...
Manoj Kumar Chinnakotla, Sagar Ranadive, Om P. Dam...
This paper presents a cross-language retrieval system for the retrieval of English documents in response to queries in Bengali and Hindi, as part of our participation in CLEF1 2007...
We describe the objectives and organization of the CLEF 2007 ad hoc track and discuss the main characteristics of the tasks offered to test monolingual and cross-language textual d...
Giorgio Maria Di Nunzio, Nicola Ferro, Thomas Mand...