Current algorithms for bounded model checking (BMC) use SAT methods for checking satisfiability of Boolean formulas. These BMC methods suffer from a potential memory explosion prob...
Symbolic model checking is PSPACE complete. Since QBF is the standard PSPACE complete problem, it is most natural to encode symbolic model checking problems as QBF formulas and th...
In this paper we will present an optimized structural 01X-SAT-solver for bounded model checking of blackbox designs that exploits semantical knowledge regarding the node selection...
Treewidth measures the ”tree-likeness” of structures. Many NP-complete problems, e.g., propositional satisfiability, are tractable on bounded-treewidth structures. In this wo...
Boolean programs are frequently used to model abstractions of software programs. They have the advantage that reachability properties are decidable, despite the fact that their sta...