This article aims to provide foundations for a new approach to Agent Communication Languages (ACLs). First, we present the theory of signalling acts. In contrast to current approa...
An accurate identification dialog acts (DAs), which represent the illocutionary aspect of communication, is essential to support the understanding of human conversations. This re...
Silvia Quarteroni, Alexei V. Ivanov, Giuseppe Ricc...
SpeechActs is an experimental conversational speech system. Experience with redesigning the system based on user feedback indicates the importance of adhering to conversational co...
Existing plan-based theories of speech act interpretation do not account for the conventional aspect of speech acts. We use patterns of linguistic features (e.g. mood, verb form, ...
Prosody is an important cue for identifying dialog acts. In this paper, we show that modeling the sequence of acousticprosodic values as n-gram features with a maximum entropy mod...