
46084 search results - page 9216 / 9217
» Developments in WIS development
108views more  BMCBI 2005»
13 years 6 months ago
The modeled structure of the RNA dependent RNA polymerase of GBV-C Virus suggests a role for motif E in Flaviviridae RNA polymer
Background: The Flaviviridae virus family includes major human and animal pathogens. The RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) plays a central role in the replication process, and t...
François Ferron, Cécile Bussetta, H&...
94views more  NAR 1998»
13 years 5 months ago
HuGeMap: a distributed and integrated Human Genome Map database
The HuGeMap database stores the major genetic and physical maps of the human genome. It is also interconnected with the gene radiation hybrid mapping database RHdb. HuGeMap is acc...
Emmanuel Barillot, Frédéric Guyon, C...
138views more  SIAMCOMP 2002»
13 years 5 months ago
Phase Change of Limit Laws in the Quicksort Recurrence under Varying Toll Functions
We characterize all limit laws of the quicksort type random variables defined recursively by Xn d = XIn + X n-1-In + Tn when the "toll function" Tn varies and satisfies ...
Hsien-Kuei Hwang, Ralph Neininger
121views more  NAR 2007»
13 years 5 months ago
WormBase: new content and better access
WormBase (, a model organism database for Caenorhabditis elegans and other related nematodes, continues to evolve and expand. Over the past year WormBase has a...
Tamberlyn Bieri, Darin Blasiar, Philip Ozersky, Ig...
131views more  SCFBM 2008»
13 years 5 months ago
FASH: A web application for nucleotides sequence search
: FASH (Fourier Alignment Sequence Heuristics) is a web application, based on the Fast Fourier Transform, for finding remote homologs within a long nucleic acid sequence. Given a ...
Isana Veksler-Lublinsky, Danny Barash, Chai Avisar...
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