This paper compares various techniques for compressing floating point distance fields. Both lossless and lossy techniques are compared against a new lossless technique. The new Ve...
ct A method for comparing three-dimensional vector fields constructed from simple critical points is described. This method is a natural extension of the previous work [1] which de...
Code compression is a field where compression ratios between compiler-generated code and subsequent compressed code are highly dependent on decisions made at compile time. Most op...
We present an algorithm for compressing 2D vector fields that preserves topology. Our approach is to simplify the given data set using constrained clustering. We employ different...
Suresh K. Lodha, Jose C. Renteria, Krishna M. Rosk...
The compression of polygonal mesh geometry is still an active field of research as in 3d no theoretical bounds are known. This work proposes a geometry coding method based on pred...