In this paper, we introduce EXACT, the EXperimental Algorithmics Computational Toolkit. EXACT is a software framework for describing, controlling, and analyzing computer experimen...
William E. Hart, Jonathan W. Berry, Robert T. Heap...
The Bentley-Ottmann (BO) algorithm, initially designed to report the intersection points of line-segments in the plane, is the prototypical sweep-line algorithm. This video presen...
Genetic linkage analysis is a challenging application which requires Bayesian networks consisting of thousands of vertices. Consequently, computing the likelihood of data, which i...
We propose a new stopping condition for a Support Vector Machine (SVM) solver which precisely reflects the objective of the Leave-OneOut error computation. The stopping condition ...
This paper presents a new algorithm for exact estimation of the minimum memory size required by programs dealing with array computations. Memory size is an important factor a ecti...